Statistics of solid waste, referred to overlap between the average of recyclable percentage

AuthorKostandin Kristo
Vol. 4 No. 1
March, 2018
Academic Journal of Business, Administration, Law and Social Sciences
IIPCCL Publishing, Graz-Austria
ISSN 2410-3918
Acces online at
Statistics of solid waste, referred to overlap between the average of recyclable
PhD (C.) Kostandin Kristo
The transition from centrally planned economy to a market economy brought a qualitative
and quantitative waste change in Albania. Joining consumer society, the average amount of
waste per person per day rose signi cantly nationwide. The variety of waste remained more
or less the same but the opening of import resulted in an immediate multiplying assortments.
Particularly, there was a rapid development of electronic –under products of this industry have
soared in the form of waste. Terminal dumps and land lls turned today to a major municipal
and governmental problem, for all countries. In Albania, during these years, because of the
constant clashes – central Government and local Government, under the in uence of non-
governmental organizations, the various international organizations and initiatives of
prominent individuals of society, are created urban waste collections, which in most cases are
positioned very close to residential areas or buildings and allowed near urban centers. Main
aim of this manuscript is the analysis of solid waste in Albania and its recyclable percentage.
Keywords: Statistic, average recyclable percentage, overlap, oriented waste, Management,
Solid waste in Albania is recycled in the worst cases through mass burning,
accompanied from the most poisoned smoke, which is extremely harmful to the
body, ora and fauna. Even composting them (an economic action cost) impact on
the environment is extremely negative for surface and ground waters which are
contaminated gases release gases into the atmosphere with very harmful contents.
Accumulations of waste deposits in the streets without any prior selection, maltreat
of the stockpile from which the community is being served, etc. are not part of general
training to the masses of the population. Thousands of tons of urban waste generated
and stored only in two decades of market economy, contain a considerable mass of
plastic, glass and other materials, for which our underground would need thousands
of years to be nally assimilated.
Among centuries the created hills will extent inde nitely for future generations
which constitutes a handicap excess, then a legacy of unfair and unnatural arranged
by their inhumane predecessors.
Given that the principle of subsequent natural heritage from generation to generation,
every human generation is obliged to treat the ora, fauna, natural resources, fossils,
remnants etc. Land in general, as a heritage property that would allow all generations
were descendants the same opportunity to be happy.
Lack of infrastructure for placement of diverse waste deposits to collect them direct
in the source for waste, even for well disposed citizens, who have a desire to divide

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