Strategic and ethical leadership in economical development

AuthorNerimane Bajraktari - Ali AhmetiLirdon Alidemaj - Arbër Nimani
PositionUniversity of Prizren - Corporation, MC FOOD - Corporation, MC FOOD - University of Peja
Vol. 2 No. 2
July 2016
Academic Journal of Business, Administration, Law and Social Sciences
IIPCCL Publishing, Tirana-Albania
ISSN 2410-3918
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Strategic and ethical leadership in economical development
Prof. dr. Nerimane Bajraktari
Un ivers ity o f Pri zren
Msc. Ali Ahmeti
Corporation - MC FOOD
Msc. Lirdon Alidemaj
Corporation - MC FOOD
Msc. Arbër Nimani
By a simple analysis, it can be said that ethics includes two components. Firstly, it treats recog-
nition and understanding for right or wrong processes, good or wrong processes, and then it
evaluates the action in personal or institutional practice concluding that it’s conducted in the
such as: respect, honesty, sincerity, responsibility, that show us how to behave are considered
moralvaluesAllviewsthat showhowthese valuesareapplying areoendened asmoral
or ethical principles. Managers or leaders of the organization have a leading role during a
decision-making process. This is because managerial decision-making is one of the problems
which has a greater focus recently. Business decisions have a suspicious behavior, because its
tion that they are facing and factors surrounding them. If someone in an organization behaves
unethically, it will create a bad image for that organization. It is worth mentioning that the
ethical code of the company that arises from the organization has a very important role be-
cause it links the personal and organizational ethics.
the individual, organization and all sectors of economy.
Keywords: ethics, leadership, morality, development, management.
to say the importance of ethical values during decision-making by leaders.
Hypothesis (hypothetical questions)

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