Terrorism and its centuries challenges

AuthorJonida Drogu
Vol. 4 No. 1
March, 2018
ISSN 2410-3918
Acces online at www.iipccl.org
Academic Journal of Business, Administration, Law and Social Sciences
IIPCCL Publishing, Graz-Austria
Terrorism and its centuries challenges
PhD (C.) Jonida Drogu
The goal of this article is to portray how to be er understand the epistemic di erences of
terminology used for terrorism and how people’s lives have been and are still a ected by
this unde ned violence. By collecting some diary information from 20people about their
perception about terrorism a aches we will analyze some of overall countries and Saudi
Arabia’s commitment in ghting this century’s challenge. Fighting radical religious beliefs
in the Kingdom is an immense challenge. The true Islamic faith is in large contrast to those
individuals and entities whose actions are centered on the intentional misrepresentation or the
degradation of the teachings of Islam.
The base of this data will indicate the progress within Saudi Arabia, its position in the world
prospect and its impact in society since it remains a robust construction even now days, even
thought, a lot has been done.
The rst signs provided in this analysis start with the beginning of the new century, when a
strong a ack happened just days before it began. Some important indicators such as terrorism
founding, or money charities caused many changes in Saudi Arabia as a leading power, in the
war against terrorism in Middle East.
Keywords: terrorism, violence, extremists, civilians, transnational terrorism.
Saudi Arabia, the country that encompasses most of the Arabian Peninsula, with Red
Sea and Persian (Arabian) Gulf coastlines is known as the birthplace of Islam and
home to the Two Holy Mosques, is lately an a ractive strategic target of extremists
who seek to rede ne Islam for their own nihilistic purposes. The golf country as one
of the leading nations in combating terrorism and terror nancing, has been working
closely with its allies to change the mindset that terror organizations rely on.
By de ning the frequent use of the term terrorism, during this paper, we would
rstly like to understand in a correct way the frequent used meaning of it, based
on several resources. “Terrorism is the use of violence and intimidation, especially
against civilians, o en in the pursuit of political aims”(Eubank and Weinberg, 1994).
But there is no universal agreement on the de nition of terrorism. It’s not a surprise
that various legal systems and governmental institutions use di erent de nitions
of this term. In many countries, the de nition of the term changes its accepted
comprehensive de nition, due to this, it is di cult to get a correct middle ground of
all the formulations.
The Global Terrorism Index calculates that around 64,000 people were killed by
acts of terrorism between the years 2002-2011. This is a startling illustration of how
“terrorism has become one of the most pressing political problems during the last
half-century” (Whi aker, 2007). Yet academics, policy makers, and law enforcement

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