The appendices to this report

AuthorClemm, Christan; Löw, Clara; Baron, Yifaat; Moch, Katja; Möller, Martin; Köhler, Andreas R; Gensch, Carl-Otto; Deubzer, Otmar
Euro pean Comm issio n
Exem pt ion e valu atio n m etho dolog y
20.11.2020 - xxix
4. The appendices to this report
The follo wing appendices in clude rep rodu ctions of t he final rep ort s of the various task s
of thi s stu dy. The appendices relat e to th e study task s as follo ws:
Ta sk Appe ndix
1 Upd ate of t he ex isti ng
me thod ology to iden tify and
assess su bst ances for
poss ible r estr icti on
A.1 .0 Me thod ology for I dent ificat ion and Assessme nt o f
Sub stan ces fo r I nclu sion in t he Li st of Restr icte d
Sub stanc es (An nex II ) under th e RoHS 2 Di recti ve
2 Assess subs tanc es wi th a
vie w t o t heir possib le fu tur e
A.2 .0 Be ryll ium and its comp ound s
A.3 .0 Fi ve Cob alt salts
A.4 .0 D iant imon y t riox ide
A.5 .0 I nd ium phosp hide
A.6 .0 Me dium ch ain chlor inat ed p araf fins (MCCPs) -
Alk anes, 04 -17, chlor o
A.7 .0 N ickel sulp hat e and nic kel sulfa mat e
A.8 .0 Te trab rom obisph enol A (TB BP-A, flam e r etar dan t)
3 Det erm inat ion of t he
qu anti tat ive usage dat a fo r
sub stan ces us ed in EEE
re port in clude s sub stan ce
in vent ory and subs tanc e
prioritisat ion
A.9 .0 Rep ort on the Ide ntif icati on an d Prio riti satio n of
Sub stance s for In clusio n in the List of Res tric ted
Sub stanc es (An nex II ) under th e RoHS 2 Di recti ve
4 Exem pti on ev aluat ion
methodolog y A.1 0.0 Exem ptio n m etho dolog y
5 Exem pt ion assessm ent of
th ree exem ptio n
applicat ions
A.1 1.0 Exem ptio n ev aluat ion

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