The case of Albanian Language - Wikipedia vs. Britannica

AuthorIrda Dervishi
PositionUniversity of Tirana
Vol. 4 No.2
September 2018
Balkan Journal of Interdisciplinary Research
IIPCCL Publishing, Graz-Austria
ISSN 2410-759X
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The case of Albanian Language – Wikipedia vs. Britannica
PhD (C.) Irda Dervishi
University of Tirana
Nowadays Wikipedia (the free encyclopedia) and Encyclopædia Britannica (Britannica online
encyclopedia) have proven to be two essential internet resources that disseminate scienti c
knowledge on miscellaneous topics. This paper aims to inspect the information provided
by these two encyclopedias on the Albanian Language. The two encyclopedia websites are
commonly accessed by those who typically require some information on a certain topic on the
spur of the moment. In this present contribution, articles from Wikipedia and Encyclopædia
Britannica are compared and contrasted by pointing their speci c positive aspects or
drawbacks. For both sources, the paper evaluates the extent to which the articles convey
appropriate and crucial information to the readers interested in ge ing some basic information
about the Albanian Language. Finally, the paper presents some additional information on the
current language situation in Albania and the main tendencies of language use among native
speakers, as well as some central issues concerning the Albanian language studies.
Keywords: Albanian language, dialect, Encyclopædia Britannica, language situation,
On an airplane trip, I met a foreigner who asked me: “And what language do you
speak in Albania?” “Albanian”, I answered hastily, assuming that this was already
a world-wide known fact. “That is a Slavic language, isn’t it?” suggested the fellow
traveler, possibly trying to cause amusement and then he added: “Oh, now that I
am thinking, you do not like Slavs a lot, do you?” I still do not know whether my
companion was not sure on the Albanian language family belonging, or was just
trying to induce my national feelings, so stereotypical of someone from the Balkans.
Likewise (or perhaps di erently from) my plane fellow, people might not be very
informed on Albanian language and its properties, as one of the languages on a
distinct branch of the Indo-European language family. Where can they get the
necessary information from? Are there reliable sources on the internet and is their
information relevant or su cient?
The most convenient way for someone interested in an introduction to Albanian
language, would be searching the topic on the internet. In my paper I consider two
main internet sources that provide information on Albanian Language: Wikipedia (the
free encyclopedia) and Encyclopædia Britannica (Britannica online encyclopedia).
My aim is to compare the respective articles, and state some of the possible positive
or negative aspects of these articles. Moreover the paper evaluates the extent to which
the articles convey appropriate and essential information to the readers interested
in ge ing some basic information for the Albanian Language. Finally it will present
some extra facts on the current language situation in Albania and the main tendencies

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