The impact of political instability on economic growth (Case of Albania)

AuthorGerta Xhaferi (Gorjani) - Ilija Ilija
Vol. 3 No. 2
July 2017
ISSN 2410-3918
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Academic Journal of Business, Administration, Law and Social Sciences
IIPCCL Publishing, Graz-Austria
The impact of political instability on economic growth
(Case of Albania)
PhD (C.) Gerta Xhaferi (Gorjani)
MSc Il a Il a
The aim of this study is to de ne the impact of political instability on economic growth.
Considering the multidimensionality of a factor like political instability, the study employs
only four variables to measure it. The variables used to measure political instability are civil
liberties, political rights, number of women in parliament and the government changes during
years. Regarding the economic growth this study employs the variable of real GDP growth
rate as the best factor indicating economic growth. The data are obtained from national and
international sources like “INSTAT”, “Bank of Albania” and “The Global Economy”, and takes
into consideration the period from 1990-2015. According to the literature it was expected to
have a signi cant negative impact of political instability on economic growth. Through the
results obtained from the econometric model the expectation holds. What is interesting is the
insigni cance of all explanatory variables beside the variable of civil liberty, which is found
to be highly signi cant. The analysis reveals that an increase in civil liberties would have a
positive impact on GDP growth rate. The study also concluded that the importance of civil
liberties as a transmission channel of political instability can be justi ed with the weakness of
the judicial system and the classi cation of Albania as a partly-free country.
Keywords: Political instability, Economic Growth, Civil Liberties, Political Rights, Woman in
Parliament, Government changes.
Over the last 26 years Albania has had a signi cant political instability. Since the
fall of communist system in year 1991 up to now days, Albania has experienced 12
cabinet changes/government changes. The period from year 1990 up to year 1998
can be considered as the period with the highest level of instability, lowest level of
economic growth and the lowest level of human rights. The fall of communism as
it was expected has been associated with violent demonstrations, civil protest, and
many injured people. The rst pluralist elections took place on March 1991, and the
communist party remained into power while the rst party created during pluralist
system, the “Democratic party” became the opposition. The result was surprising
but it was justi ed with the fear and lack of knowledge rooted in the minds of
Albanians from the rough dictatorship. The opposition of that time fought to bring
the communist party down by using any democratic tool. Finally in March 1992
Albania experienced early elections, which brought the opposition into power with
an extraordinary support from the people, and le the communists powerless in
The period a er 1992 elections witnessed the real starting of democracy in Albania.

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