The right of consumers for honest green claims

AuthorGanimete Podvorica
PositionPHD Candidate in Marketing at University of Prishtina
ISSN 2410-759X Balkan Journal of Interdisciplinary Research Special Issue No 1
Acces online at IIPCCL Publishing, Tirana-Albania June 2015
e right of consumers for honest green claims
Ganimete Podvorica
PHD Candidate in Marketing at University of Prishtina
Advertisers and marketers are renewing their interest in green marketing by putting more weigh
to green claims due to notable recent developments on improving environmental sustainability.
However, green claims such as carbon neutral, no or low greenhouse gas emissions, degradability
claims, claims that products are “free” of certain chemicals or materials, claims that products are
locally produced or organic, claims on recyclability and recycled, claims on compostability, claims
related to energy usage and waste reduction are creating vicious cycle at consumers perception
and behavior. e empirical data is collected through quantitative research method using
questionnaire as an instrument. Findings reveal that green claims as advertised are not meeting
consumer expectations; hence they have to be subject to regulations through a combination of
state advertising, environment and consumer protection laws.
Key words: Environmental, consumer, green marketing, green claims, sustainability.
Green marketing frequently has been associated with Environmental marketing and
Ecological marketing while attempts are being made to develop marketing response
in order to breakdown the controversy and doses of confusion. Environmental
impacts are the third most important factor for EU consumers, aer quality and price
(Eurobarometers, 2013). Although environmental issues inuence all human activities,
few academic disciplines have integrated green issues into their literature, especially
marketing (Polonsky, 2010). According to Peattie (1995) “this is perhaps not surprising
since key concepts such as green, environment, sustainable and marketing mean dierent
things to dierent people”.
e American Marketing Association (AMA) held the rst workshop on “Ecological
Marketing” in 1975 in Austin, Texas. e overall objective of workshop was examination
of marketing activities impact on the environment. At this workshop ecological
marketing was dened by academics, practitioners, and public policy makers as: “the
study of the positive and negative aspects of marketing activities on pollution, energy
depletion and non-energy resource depletion” (Henion & Kinnear 1976), on the other
hand green marketing was dened as “the marketing of products that are presumed to be
environmentally safe. According to Polonsky (1994) “Green or Environmental Marketing
consists of all activities designed to generate and facilitate any exchanges intended to
satisfy human needs or wants, such that the satisfaction of these needs and wants occurs,
with minimal detrimental impact on the natural environment”.
Green marketing was given prominence in the last three decades starting at late 1980s.

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