
AuthorEleni Papadimitriou - Zsuzsa Blaskó
I n t his note we assess th e econom ic r isk male and fem ale w orke rs f ace du e to th e COVID -
19 p an demic in Eu rope. We apply t w o approaches: one developed by the Intern ational
Labour Or gani zation (ILO) and one by t he European Cent re for t he Developm ent of
Voca tional Trainin g ( CEDEFOP) .
Bot h approaches sh ow that an alarm ingly lar ge nu mb er o f EU w ork ers are p oten tial ly
ne g ativ ely af f ect ed by COV I D-re lat e d employ m e nt pro blems. The extent of th e
problem , as well as the relations betw een t he sit uation of m ales an d fem ales ar e how ever
rat her di fferen t across the two calculations. Wit h Manu factu ring listed amo ng t he hi gh-ri sk
sect ors, th e I LO -base d est im at es in dica t e t ha t alt og et he r alm ost 8 9 mi llio n jo bs in
th e EU are in h ig h-risk sector s, w it h wom a n employe d in 4 3 p er ce nt of these.
CEDEFOP, on t he ot her hand, is n ot considering Manufact ur in g as bein g par ticularly
exposed t o t h e crisis in Eur ope, and t herefore calculations based on the CEDEFOP
cla ssi fica ti on su gge st th at a ltog eth er, “on ly” 4 4 m il lio n jo bs a r e i n hig h-r isk se ct ors ,
51 per ce n t of w hich a r e how eve r f ille d by fe male w ork ers. Considering t he sh are
of employees w orki ng in badly hit sect ors, t he r el at ive risk of female em pl oy ees is m uch
higher th an t hat of men. Altogether 25 per cent of em ploye d w omen w hile only 2 0
pe r ce nt of em ploy ed m en w ork in these sectors in the w ho le EU. Simi lar or ev en
stron ger disparit ies ar e found wit hi n t he m ajo rit y of the Memb er Sta tes.

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