Annex 1: main transposition and anti-discrimination legislation

AuthorIrma Baraku
Country: Albania
Date: 31 December 2019
Title of the law: Constitution of the Republic of Albania
Abbreviation: Constitution
Date of adoption: 21.10.1998
Latest relevant amendment: 22.07.2016
Entry into force: 28.11.1998
Web link:
Grounds covered: gender, race, religion, ethnicity, language, political, religious or
philosophical beliefs, economic condition, education, social status, or parentage.
Constitutional act
Material scope: all areas of life
Principal content: protection from discrimination, the right of People’s Advocate and the
Commissioner for Protection from discrimination to initiate a case in Con stitutional Court
Title of the law: The protection from discrimination
Abbreviation: LPD
Date of adoption: 04.02.2010
Latest relevant amendment: N/A
Entry into force: 13.03.2010
Web link:
Grounds covered: open list of the grounds/ gender, race, colour, ethnicity, language,
gender identity, sexual orientation, political, religious or philosophical beliefs, economic,
education or social situation, pregnancy, parentage, parental responsibility, age, family
or marital condition, civil status, residence, health status, genetic predispositions,
disability, affiliation with a particular group or for any other reason.
Civil and mainly administrative:
Material scope: all areas of life
Principal content: prohibition of direct and indirect discrimination, denial of reasonable
accommodation, victimisation, instruction to discriminate, harassment etc.; creation of a
specialised body; shift of the burden of proof; court procedures, sanctions of
Title of the law: Labour Code
Abbreviation: LC
Date of adoption: 12.07.1995
Latest relevant amendment: 05.12.2015
Entry into force: 23.08.1995
Web link:
Grounds covered: gender, race, colour, ethnicity, language, gender identity, sexual
orientation, political, religious or philosophical beliefs, economic, educational or social
status, pregnancy, parental responsibility, parental responsibility, age, family or marital
status, health status, genetic predispositions, disability, living with HIV / AIDS, union or
affiliation with trade union organizations, affiliation to a particular group, or any other
Civil law
Material scope: employment and occupation
Principal content: protection from discrimination, protection from sexual harassment,
shifting of the burden of proof, reasonable accommodation, compensation
Title of the law: Penal Code
Abbreviation: PC
Date of adoption: 27.01.1995

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