Annex 1: main transposition and anti-discrimination legislation

AuthorSabatauskait?, Birut?
Country: Lithuania
Date: 31 December 2019
Title of the law: La w on Equal Treatment
Abbreviation: LET
Date of adoption: 18.11.2003
Latest relevant amendment: 11.12.2018
Entry into force: 01.01.2005
Web link:
Grounds covered: gend er, race, “nationality”,370 citizenship, language, o rigin, social
status, belief, convicti ons or views, age, sexu al orientation, disability, ethnic origin or
Civil/administrative law
Material scope: privat e and public employment, access to goods or services (including
housing), education
Principal content: The main national law, implementing Directives, pro
hibition of direct
and indirect discrimination, harassment, instruction to discriminate and regulati
on of
competences of a specialised b ody
Title of the law: Law on Equal Opport unities for Women and Men
Abbreviation: LEOWM
Date of adoption: 01.12.1998
Latest relevant amendment: 11.05.2017
Entry into force: 01.03.1999
Web link:
Grounds covered: gender
Civil/administrative law
Material scope: empl oyment, access to goods or services, educa tion,
social protection,
including social security
Principal content: prohibition of direct an d indirect discrimination, harassment based on
gender, sexual harassment and instruction to discriminate
Title of the law: Law on Social Integrat ion of People with Disabilities
Abbreviation: LSIPD
Date of adoption: 28.11.1991
Latest relevant amendm ent: 18.10.2018
Entry into force: 31.12.1991
Web link:
Grounds covered: Disability
Civil/administrative law
Material scope: private and public employment, access to goods or services (including
housing), education, social protection
Principal content: Proh ibition of discrimination on the ground of disability, various
measures on social inclusion, provision of services etc.
Title of the law: Labour Code
Abbreviation: LC
Date of adoption: 14.09.2016
Latest relevant amendment: 20.12.2018
Entry into force: 01.07.2017
Web link:
370 The term used in the LET is tautyb, which refers to belonging to a national m inority and is not used with
the meaning of ‘citizenship’.

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