Current best practices

AuthorBiljana Kotevska
The ongoing publication of the ‘Info-sheet on Discrimination’ г 
), a monthly info-sheet published since March 2016 by the OSCE Mission
to Skopje and the Macedonian Helsinki Committee, continues to feature as a best practice
and one that was relevant for 2019 too. It is an excellent and mu ch-needed resource that
has reinvigorated the climate o f work on equality and non-discrimination issue s in the
country. It provides fresh information on various issues in relation to discrimination,
contains information on pending cases, new cases, grounds and fields of discrimination, as
well as examples from court practice and new resources on equality and non-
discrimination. Although the information is brief and not conclusive, it provides a basic
overview of what is happening before the courts, which was previously lacking.276 This
cooperation between an NGO and an IGO, running for almost three years now, has
produced something that, if published on a long-term basis, can be of invaluable assistance
for everyone working on equality and non-discrimination issues.
276 One such info-sheet can be accessed on the following link (all other issues are on the
websiteд: Helsinki Committee of the Republic of Macedonia гнлмфдз    (‘Info-
sheet on Discrimination’д, December 2019, available at:

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