Deep-dive into savings through online p2p platforms

AuthorPierre Hausemer - Julia Rzepecka - Marius Dragulin - Simone Vitiello - Lison Rabuel - Madalina Nunu - Adriana Rodriguez Diaz - Emma Psaila - Sara Fiorentini - Sara Gysen - Tim Meeusen - Simon Quaschning - Allison Dunne - Vadim Grinevich - Franz Huber - Linda Baines
Exploratory study of consumer issues in online peer-to-peer platform markets
Task 3 Report
6. Deep-dive into savings through online P2P platforms
All respondents agree that P2P platforms are associated with good price deals and that
it allows them to save money even though transactions often entail small sums.
Depending on the type of good or service they declare to be able to save up to 80%
in comparison to the traditional economy. Price awareness can be considered high and
it’s an important factor for the use of P2P platforms.
As mentioned before, many consumers (and suppliers) have had bad experiences over
the years using online P2P platforms, but even then, none feel they are losing money
Some transactions are even for free, when thinking about barter, mutual aid between
peers etc. However, these type of “pure” sharing platforms are not so popular.
“You can buy a lot of things at purchase price, no margins, especially for smaller
products.” (SL)
“I bought a lot of good stuff for very little money.” (NL)
“I feel there is a larger risk when there is no professional middleman. If there was no
financial benefit I would not go through all this trouble.” (DK)
Goods are declared to be up to 80% less expensive on P2P platforms.
“On P2P platforms you can find a washing machine at 50€ or a TGV ticket at 20€
instead of 100€. You will never find such prices in the traditional economy.” (FR)
Clothes are up to 70% less expensive than in shops.
“On Vinted, the clothes are less expensive than during the sales.” (FR)
Transportation can be up to 70% cheaper than when buying tickets/paying for a ride
in the traditional economy.
“Uber consumers are very satisfied, particularly in terms of cost savings vs. traditional
taxis.” (UK)
“With carpooling I have saved enormously. Once I travelled to Bourgas for 14.50BGN.
Despite of the gas price drop still the bus ticket was 30-40 BGN and I paid just 15
BGN.” (BU)
With regard to the services category their seems to be more discussions. Some
mention they are able to save when using P2P, while others perceive the price level to
be the same or even higher in comparison to the traditional economy.
Accommodations are also not always less expensive in comparison to the traditional
economy. Some apartments proposed on Airbnb are as expensive as hotel bedrooms.
But, renting an apartment will allow to save on extra costs such as for restaurants or
additional bedrooms (if traveling in a family). Additionally, a lot of emotional benefits
are at play here (e.g., another way of travelling, special treatment by the host).
“If you rent an apartment you save on restaurant expenses and the cost of additional
bedrooms.” (FR)
“When using Airbnb you can earn a fair amount of money.” (DK)

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