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Annual Report on the Situation of Asylum in the European Union
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includes methodological notes on the collection of qualitative and quantitative information, presents
the wide pool of sources consulted and presents products which are related to the report.
Legal basis
The EASO Asylum Report 2020: Annual Report on the Situation of Asylum in the Euro pean Union is
produced in accordance with Article 12.1 of the EASO Regulation, which specifies that:
The Support Office shall draw up an annual report on the situation of asylum in the
Union, taking due account of information already available from other relevant sources.
As part of that report, the Support Office shall evaluate the results of activities carried
out under this Regulation and make a comprehensive comparative analysis of them with
the aim of improving the quality, consistency and effectiveness of the CEASくざ
Its objective is to provide a comprehensive overview of the situation of asylum in the EU (including
information on Norway, S witzerland, Liechtenstein and Iceland), describing and analysing flows of
applicants for international protection, major developments in legislation, j urisprudence and policies
at the European and national levels, and reporting on the practical functioning of CEAS. The activities
of EASO in 2019 are also summarised.
The production process follows the methodology and basic principles agreed by the EASO
Management Board in 2013. Dr afts are disseminated to the Management Board for their comments
prior to its formal adoption and public launch.
Qualitative information
Primary factual information was obtained by EASO from EU+ countries in a process coordinated with
EMN, to avoid duplication with the 2019 Annual Report on Migration and Asylum.
The European Commission was consulted during the drafting process and actively c ontributed. In
accordance with its role under the Geneva Convention , Article 35 relating to the status of refugees,
which is reflected in the EU Treaties and the asylum acquis instruments, UNHCR was also consulted
during the drafting process and referred authors to public information produced by its experts to
inform the present report.
The report provides an analysis based on a wide range of sources of information duly referenced
to reflect the ongoing debate at the European level. It also identifies areas where improvement is
most needed (and thus where EASO and other key stakeholders should focus their efforts) in line with
its dec lared purpose of improving the quality, consistency and effectiveness of CEAS. To that end,
EASO takes due account of information already available from other relevant sources, as stipulated in
the EASO Regulation, including from EU+ countries, EU institutions and agencies such as Frontex and
FRA, civ il societ y organisations, international organisations and academia. Cont ributions were
specifically sought from civil society organisations through an open call for input to members of the
EASO Consultative Forum and other civil society stakeh olders, inviting them to provide information
on their work relevant for the functioning of CEAS.

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