Section I - Influencing Factors

AuthorEuropean Union Agency for Criminal Justice Cooperation (EU body or agency)
Eurojust SPD 2020-2022 Last updated: 12-Dec-19 Pag e 7 of 73
Section I Influencing Factors
New Eurojust Regulation
Eurojust will be performing new tasks based on the EJR. The new aspects will be mainly
associated with relations with the EPPO, governance, external relations, and the new regime on
data protection. The new EJR will become applicable on 12 December 2019. A number of changes
will have to be implemented on that day or immediately thereafter; the rest will be implemented
in the course of 2020 and 2021.
The new EJR strengthens synergies between Eurojust and partner EU agencies and bodies,
particularly the EPPO, Europol and FRONTEX. Eurojust will support the investigations and
prosecutions of the EPPO and national authorities for PIF crimes that are within its mandate, and
will take appropriate measures to implement the provisions in the Regulation designed to provide
indirect access by Europol and EPPO to information at Eurojust. It will streamline Eurojust’ s
functioning and structure to enable the College and the National Members to better focus on their
operational tasks. A new Executive Board, which will include a representative of the Commission,
will assist the College in its administrative tasks. Eurojust has reviewed all internal acts affected
by this change to ensure conformity to the new Regulation.
A switch will be made from supervision by the Joint Supervisory Body to supe rvision by the
European Data Protection Supervisor. The impact on the data protection regime in connection
with the recast of Regulation 45/2001 and the Privacy Regulation, , which relates to electronic
communications data that qualify as personal data, will also considerably influence the
functioning of Eurojust and may require a considerable effort to align Eurojust’s practices to the
new regime such as the application of the amended Regulation to the processing of operational
and administrative data, and the revision of the existing rules, policies, internal document and
forms. In addition, the setup of the electronic evidence exchange system by the Commission
(secure online portal) and its use by all National Members may result in greater access to national
cases and an increase in workload at the National Desks.
EPPO Regulation
The expected close interaction between the EPPO and Eurojust will have an impact on Eurojust
from the end of 2019 onwards. The two bodies will seek synergies and reinforcement of their
complementarity in a working arrangement that will be concluded between them to regulate: (1)
their actions in the field of the protection of the EU’s financial interests (PIF crimes) and (2) the
support that Eurojust may provide to the EPPO. The actual coordination of their respective
activities and enforcement of the working arrangements will become a new permanent task.
New FRONTEX Regulation
The 2016 FRONTEX Regulation provides that within the respective mandates of the agencies
concerned, FRONTEX and Eurojust shall cooperate and provide support to Member States in
circumstances requiring increased technical and operational assistance at the external borders in
the fight against organised cross-border crime, such as immigrant smuggling, trafficking in human
beings and terrorism. Both agencies are exploring the possibilities to conclude a cooperation
agreement that will allow FRONTEX to transmit information, including personal data, which is
relevant for Eurojust. The Regulation 2019/1896 on the European Border and Coast Guard, which

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