Self-employed workers (Directive 2010/41/EU and some relevant provisions of the Recast Directive)

AuthorLídia Hermina Balogh
8 Self-employed workers ( Directive 2010/41/EU and some relevant
provisions of the Recast Directive)
8.1 General (legal) context
8.1.1 Surveys and reports on the specific difficulties of self-employed workers
No surveys or reports are available from the last five years that provide insight into the
specific difficulties of self-employed workers.
8.1.2 Other issues
No other issues may be mentioned regarding the gender equality aspects of self-
8.1.3 Overview of national acts
The Hungarian legislation addresses the issue of selfemployment in a rather fragmented
and ambiguous way:
- the Act on the Promotion of Employment and on Assistance Provided for the
Unemployed defines the self-employed person as someone ‘who provides
employment for him/herself outside of a dependent employment relationship,
including starting up a new business, or joining an existing business’; 367
- in the Act on Occupational Pensions, the notion of self-employed person covers both
private and corporate entrepreneurs;368 and
- the Labour Code does not include any explicit reference to self-employment.
8.1.4 Political and societal debate and pending legislative proposals
There have been no political or social debates, and there are no pending legislative
proposals on the topic of self-employment.
8.2 Implementation of Directive 2010/41/EU
Two Acts contain references to the transposition of Directive 2010/41/EU: the often-
modified Act on the Benefits of Compulsory Health Insurance369 and the Act CCXII of 2012
on the Amendment of Certain Acts on Healthcare.370 However, no specific legislation has
been enacted to transpose Directive 2010/41/EU.
8.3 Personal scope
8.3.1 Scope
The concept of a ‘self-employed’ person is elaborated in Hungarian law in a rather f ormal
and ambiguous way:
367 Act IV of 1991 on the Promotion of Employment and on Assistance Provided for the Unemployed (1991. évi
IV. törvény a foglalkoztatás elsegítésérl és a munkanélküliek ellátásáról), 23 February 1991.
368 Act CXVII of 2007 on Occupational Pensions and its Institutions (2007. évi CXVII. törvény a foglalkoztatói
nyugdíjról és intézményeirl), 26 October 2007.
369 Act LXXXIII of 1997 on the Benefits of Compulsory Health Insurance (1997. évi LXXXIII. törvény a kötelez
egészségbiztosítás ellátásairól), 25 July 1997.
370 Act CCXII of 2012 on the Amendment of Certain Acts on Healthcare (2012. évi CCXII. törvény az egyes
egészségügyi tárgyú törvények módosításáról), 17 December 2012.

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