Topic guide - interviews with people in need of international protection

AuthorEuropean Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (EU body or agency)
Topic guide– interviews with people in need of
international protection
Topic guide for interviews with applicants for international protection and protection status holders.
1� Screening questions
1.1 Gender of respondent
1.2 Current age:
Write in
1.3 Which country were you born in?
Write in
1.4 Current nationality
What nationalit y/ies do you have? [write in as many as applicable]
Write in
Write in
Write in
Write in
1.5 In which year did you arrive in [country
[in case of arrivals taking p lace also earlier than 2015-2016, please add
it in aseparate line]
Write in
1.6 In which year did you ar rive in [Europe]?
Write in
1.7 Current occupation. Which of th e following best de scribes your curren t situation?– [READ OUT and circle
the interviewee’s response]
In paid work
In education or tra ining
Unemployed and ac tively looking for ajob
Unemployed, not loo king for ajob
Unemployed because not entitled to work
Housework (taking care of ch ildren and household)
Permanently sick or d isabled
Other (specify)
Integration of yo ung refugees in the EU: good p ractices and challenge s – Annex: methodolog y and topic guides
1.8 Which residence permit do you currently hold? [listen to what the respondent says and circle the inter viewee’s response]
Refugee status
Subsidiary protection status
Humanitarian protection status/ Protection on humanitarian grounds
Residence permit received following family reunification
Other (specify)
Renewing an expired res idence status [Go to 1.9]
Don’t Know
1.9 In case your permit has e xpired/is under t he process of renewal, whic h residence title did yo u hold before it
expired? [listen to what the respondent says and circle t he interviewee’s response]
Refugee status
Subsidiary protection status
Humanitarian protection status/ Protection on humanitarian grounds
Residence permit received following family reunification
Other (specify)
Don’t Know
2. Arrival in the current country of residence
The aim of this section is to u nderstand the arriva l of the respondent to Europe and to [country], the reason(s)
for migrating specifica lly to [country] and [location] and the existence of famil y members or acquainta nces in the
country of destination .
Introduce this section by saying:
I would like to start by asking you so me information about your arrival i n [country], the reasons for specifically coming
to [country] and what happened when you firs t arrived here.
2.1 When you first left your home cou ntry, did you already have in mind to come to [country]?
If YES-> why did you want to come to [country]?
If NO- > in which [country] did you want to g o? Why there?
2.2 Let ’s talk about you r arrival in [country]. What was it like when you firs t arrived in [country]? [probe, if need be]
Where did you stay the f‌irs t days/weeks?
Did someone help you?
What were your f‌irst impres sions of the country?
2.3 [ask only i f there are doubts on whether interviewee a rrived to country as achild or an adult] How old were you
when you arrived in [country]?

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