Topic guide - interviews with people in need of international protection
Author | European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (EU body or agency) |
Pages | 27-42 |
Topic guide– interviews with people in need of
international protection
Topic guide for interviews with applicants for international protection and protection status holders.
1� Screening questions
1.1 Gender of respondent
1.2 Current age:
Write in
1.3 Which country were you born in?
Write in
1.4 Current nationality
What nationalit y/ies do you have? [write in as many as applicable]
Write in
Write in
Write in
Write in
1.5 In which year did you arrive in [country
[in case of arrivals taking p lace also earlier than 2015-2016, please add
it in aseparate line]
Write in
1.6 In which year did you ar rive in [Europe]?
Write in
1.7 Current occupation. Which of th e following best de scribes your curren t situation?– [READ OUT and circle
the interviewee’s response]
In paid work
In education or tra ining
Unemployed and ac tively looking for ajob
Unemployed, not loo king for ajob
Unemployed because not entitled to work
Housework (taking care of ch ildren and household)
Permanently sick or d isabled
Other (specify)
Integration of yo ung refugees in the EU: good p ractices and challenge s – Annex: methodolog y and topic guides
1.8 Which residence permit do you currently hold? [listen to what the respondent says and circle the inter viewee’s response]
Refugee status
Subsidiary protection status
Humanitarian protection status/ Protection on humanitarian grounds
Residence permit received following family reunification
Other (specify)
Renewing an expired res idence status [Go to 1.9]
Don’t Know
1.9 In case your permit has e xpired/is under t he process of renewal, whic h residence title did yo u hold before it
expired? [listen to what the respondent says and circle t he interviewee’s response]
Refugee status
Subsidiary protection status
Humanitarian protection status/ Protection on humanitarian grounds
Residence permit received following family reunification
Other (specify)
Don’t Know
2. Arrival in the current country of residence
The aim of this section is to u nderstand the arriva l of the respondent to Europe and to [country], the reason(s)
for migrating specifica lly to [country] and [location] and the existence of famil y members or acquainta nces in the
country of destination .
Introduce this section by saying:
I would like to start by asking you so me information about your arrival i n [country], the reasons for specifically coming
to [country] and what happened when you firs t arrived here.
2.1 When you first left your home cou ntry, did you already have in mind to come to [country]?
If YES-> why did you want to come to [country]?
If NO- > in which [country] did you want to g o? Why there?
2.2 Let ’s talk about you r arrival in [country]. What was it like when you firs t arrived in [country]? [probe, if need be]
•Where did you stay the firs t days/weeks?
•Did someone help you?
•What were your first impres sions of the country?
2.3 [ask only i f there are doubts on whether interviewee a rrived to country as achild or an adult] How old were you
when you arrived in [country]?
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