Coordination at national level

AuthorPoleshchuk, Vadim
The main bodies that deal with anti-discrimination issues are the Commissioner for Gender
Equality and Equal Treatment and, to a much lesser extent, the Chancellor of Justice. The
functions and tasks of these institutions were described in section 7 above.
According to the Government of the Republic Act,122 it is the responsibility of the Ministry
of Social Affairs123 to promote equal treatment as well as equality of men and women,
including coordination of activities in this field, and the preparation of the corresponding
draft legislation (Article 67(1)).
However, each ministry, within its area of responsibility, should monitor compliance with
the requirements of the Equal Treatment Act and cooperate with other persons and
agencies in the promotion of the principle of equal treatment (Article 14 of the Equal
Treatment Act). In practical terms that means that the Ministry of Culture deals with issues
related to discrimination on the grounds of racial and ethnic origin (within social integration
policies), the Ministry for the Interior124 deals with discrimination on the ground of religion
or belief, and the Ministry of Social Affairs, in addition to general coordination of all relevant
anti-discrimination work, concentrates on issues related to the grounds of age, disability,
sexual orientation and sex.125
122 Government of the Republic Act (Vabariigi Valitsuse seadus), 13 December 1995, RT I 1995, 94, 1628.
123 Sotsiaalministeerium.
124 Siseministeerium. The area of government of the Ministry for the Interior includes the management of
issues relating to churches and congregations.
125 Ministry of Social Affairs; Written communication No. 1.2-3/1884 of 9 April 2012.

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