Latest developments in 2019

AuthorPoleshchuk, Vadim
12.1 Legislative amendments
There have been no new pieces of legislation directly related to the topic of this report.
12.2 Case law
Name of the court: Supreme Court
Date of decision: 24 October 2019
Name of the parties: Constitutionality check related to the case XXX v. Tartu Vangla
Reference number: 5-19-29
Brief summary: XX has been working as a prison official since 2002. He has a hearing
impairment. In 2013, new health requirements were adopted on the basis of the
Imprisonment Act, including those related to hearing (Decree of the Government of the
Republic no. 12 of January 22, 2013). In 2017, XX failed the health check-up and was
released from service.
XX filed a complaint with the administrative court, because, in his opinion, his dismissal
was based on a discriminatory legal provision. XX underlined that he was not allowed to
use a hearing aid. The use of a hearing aid compensated for his hearing loss.
The case was lost in the court of first instance, which did not find the applicable health-
related requirement discriminatory.
XX filed an appeal. The court of the second instance came to the conclusion that the
contested legal norm is contrary to the constitutional principles of equality and legitimate
expectation. The court found it unreasonable that a prison official can use e.g. glasses, but
not a hearing aid.
The decision of the court of the second instance triggered a procedure in the Supreme
Court to verify the constitutionality of the legal norm at stake. The Supreme Court has
decided to refer to the ECJ for a preliminary ruling:
‘Should Article 2(2), read in combination with Article 4(1), of Council Directive
2000/78/EC (1) of 27 November 2000 establishing a general framework for equal
treatment in employment and occupation, be interpreted as precluding provisions of
national law which provide that impaired hearing below the prescribed standard
constitutes an absolute impediment to work as a prison officer and that the use of
corrective aids to assess compliance with the requirements is not permitted?’128
12.3 Cases brought by Roma and Travellers
No relevant cases.
128 Case C-795/19: Request for a preliminary ruling from the Riigikohus (Estonia) lodged on 29 October 2019
XX v Tartu Vangla, OJ C 19, 20.1.2020, p. 3232.

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