FRA's Fundamental Rights Survey

AuthorEuropean Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (EU body or agency)
FRA’s Fundamental Rights Survey collected data from 35,000 people about
their experiences, perceptions and opinions on arange of issues that involve
fundamental rights. They include awareness of rights, discrimination and
equality of treatment, data protection and privacy, and crime victimisation.
This is the second main report from the survey. It focuses on selected questions
on respondents’ experiences as victims of crime. Becoming avictim of
crime– in particular violent crime– undermines core human and fundamental
rights. It is an extreme manifestation of violation of one’s rights, which can
encompass the right to life and human dignity in the context of violent crime,
alongside access to justice when reporting crime and non-discrimination in
one’s treatment as avictim. Other rights, including those related to property
and consumer protection, are also affected, as this report shows. It focuses on:
harassment, both online and off‌line,
and property crimes– burglary, misuse of someone’s online bank account
or payment cards, and consumer fraud.
The report also examines how often these crimes are reported to the police,
and presents further details about harassment and violence, such as information
on the perpetrators and where the incidents took place. The selection of these
crimes ref‌lects both in-person and property offences, and both ‘traditional’
crime, such as burglary, and crimes that can take place both online and off‌line.
In addition to personal experiences of victimisation, the analysis examines
how concerned people are about experiencing crime, and if they have adopted
measures in response to perceived risk of assault or harassment to avoid
situations where such incidents could occur.
The report also examines how willing people would be to intervene, report to
the police or, if asked, give evidence in court in three hypothetical scenarios:
physical violence between partners, physical violence against achild, and
acrime against the environment.
FRAs Fundamental Rights Survey
The Fundamental Rights Survey collected data in 29 countries: 27 EU Member States, the
United Kingdom (an EU Member State at the time) and North Macedonia (the only non-
EU country with observer status at FRA when the survey was designed). In each country,
arepresentative sample of respondents– ranging from about 1,000 in most countries to
about 3,000 in France and Germany– participated in the survey. The survey interviews,
which took place between January and October2019, resulted in atotal sample of 34,948
respondents (see AnnexI, Table1).
The results are representative at the EU level, as well as for each country, of people who are
16 years old or older and usually reside in the country where they took part in the survey.
Information concerning the technical implementation of the survey is available in AnnexII.
The dedicated Technical Report provides further details concerning survey development,
f‌ieldwork implementation and outcomes (forthcoming 2021).
Rights Survey:
key facts

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