Glossary of terms

AuthorEuropean Institute for Gender Equality (EU body or agency)
Glossary of terms
Risk assessment and management of intimate partner violence in the EU
Glossary of terms
(1) Stark, E., The dangerousness of danger assessment, Domestic Violence Report, Vol. 17, No 5, 2012, pp. 65-69.
(2) Council of Europe (CoE) (2011), Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence, and its explanatory memorandum,
Council of Europe Treaty Series No 210.
(3) European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE),
(4) European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE) (2017), Glossary of denitions of rape, femicide and intimate partner violence. Available at: https://eige.europa.
(5) Council of Europe (CoE) (2017), Emergency barring orders in situations of domestic violence: Article 52 of the Istanbul Convention. Available at: https://
(6) Geraghty, K. A. and Woodhams, J. (2015), The predictive validity of risk assessment tools for female oenders: A systematic review, in Aggression and
Violent Behavior, Volume 21, March-April 2015, pp. 25-38. Available at:
(7) The free dictionary by Farlex. Available at:
Coercive control
A strategic course of oppressive conduct that
is typically charac terised by frequent … physical
abuse and sexual coercion in combination with
tactics to intimidate, degrade, isolate and control
victims (1).
Gender-based violence
Any form of violence that is direc ted against
a woman because she is a woman or that affects
women disproportionately. It includes all acts of
violence against women that result in, or are like-
ly to result in, physical, sexual, psychological or
economic harm or suffering to women, including
threats of such acts, coercion or arbitrary depri-
vation of libert y, whether occurring in public or in
private life (2).
An analytical tool for studying, understanding
and responding to the ways in which sex and gen-
der intersect with other personal characteristics /
identities, and how these intersections contrib -
ute to unique experiences of discrimination (3).
Intimate partner violence
Any act of physical, sexual, psychological or eco-
nomic violence that occurs between former or
current spouses or partners, whether or not the
perpetrator shares or has shared a residence
with the victim (4).
Multiagency cooperation
Effective coordination of actions among relevant
actors playing a role in preventing and combat-
ing violence against women, including the judi-
ciary, public prosecutors, law-enforcement agen-
cies, and local and regional authorities, as well as
non-governmental organisations and other rele-
vant organisations and entities.
A person who deliberately uses violent and abu-
sive behaviour to control their partner or former
partner, whether or not they have been charged,
prosecuted or convicted (5).
Predictive validity
In evaluating the accuracy of risk assessment,
studies typically assess the predictive validity of
a risk assessment tool. Predictive validity (or ac-
curacy) refers to the ability of an instrument to
correctly assess the likelihood of violence or re-
cidivism (6).
Period of supervision over a perpetrator, ordered
by the court, instead of the perpetrator serving
time in prison (7).
Protection order
A fast legal remedy to protect people at risk of
any form of violence by prohibiting, restraining or
prescribing certain behaviour by the perpetrator.
Any order should take effect immediately after it
has been issued and must be available without
lengthy court proceedings National protection
measures can be of civil, criminal or administra-
tive law in nature and their duration, scope and

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