Operationalising European Integrated Border Management - a Shared Responsibility

AuthorFrontex (EU body or agency)
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Operationalising European
Integrated Border Management
–aShared Responsibility
Operational Outlook and Risk Analysis
Acknowledgi ng the large numbe r of possible event s that can have a profound
and unpredict able impact a t the EU’s exte rnal borders , there are a numbe r of
trends that can be observed¹⁹. It is likely that the pressure at the southern part
of the exter nal borders of t he EU will continue ov er the years to come d ue to
the many migran ts still stranded in L ibya as well as due to the gener al political,
environmental, demographic and economic challenges in this particular region.
Inthis context t he increase in the numb er of citizens of countrie s in Western Africa
on the move along t he Western Mediterr anean route could imply a n even larger
pressure in the coming years. Therefore, the pressure on border surveillance in
the Mediter ranean – with all of the rel ated aspects of bo rder surveillance inth e
maritime dom ain – could increase.
Although at th e eastern ex ternal land bo rder the situati on can currentl y be
assessed a s calm – compared w ith the above – the b order situation c an still
change rapidly due to unpredictable political developments in the neighbouring
countries, r esulting, among other t hings, from the increas ed presence of hybrid
Fully acknowled ging the positive ee cts of visa libera lisation on people-to -people
contacts , it neverthele ss also needs to be tak en into account that the num bers of
migrants claiming to be citizens of visa-liberalized countries detected for illegal
border crossin gs and fraudulent use of d ocuments will mos t likely continue to ris e.
It is also ex pected that an i ncreasing numb er of migrants f rom North Afr ica and
the Mi ddle E ast wil l conti nue to t ransit via the air- and/or land bo rder at tempt ing
to cross irregul arly the border into the EU.
19 FRONTEX Ri sk Analysis for 2 018, ISBN 978-9 2-9471-0 99-4
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        
At the same time , there is also an impor tant modus operan di of migrants enter ing
the EU by using legal ro utes, eithe r on the basis of vis a-free regimes or w ith
a short-term visa , and becoming illeg al by overstayi ng their short t erm stay.
Meas ures wi thin th e f‌ield o f risk a nalyse s and ri sk prof‌i les, in format ion exc hange
between th e Agency and MS/SAC and coo peration within EB CG, should be furt her
improved to facilitate MS/SAC in decision-making process during border checks.
In general, the f‌l ow of persons in vu lnerable situat ions, including w omen and
children, vic tims of tracking of hu man beings – THB and thos e f‌leeing conf‌licts
and wars and se eking international prote ction is likely to rise.
Also the ove rall in creas e in glo bal mob ility will re sult in increa sing f‌l ows of p erson s
across the EU ’s external b orders. Travel by air w ill become more comp lex due to
the growth of t he low-cost airline secto r. Given the increa sing level of security
featu res in m odern trave l docum ents a nd str icte r migra tion po licie s in the MS/SAC,
the misus e of genuine tr avel document s is likely to b e an entry me thod that will
become more widespread. Furthermore swift diversif‌ication of modi operandi,
displa cement bet ween rout es or bord er types , and atte mpts to ev ade detec tion
or identif‌icat ion are all possible to occur in re sponse to enhanced borde r checks,
surveillance and migration control. The number of migrants undertaking secondary
movements is thus also expected to rise.
Overall, there is also an underlying threat of terrorism-related movements. Conf‌lict
zones like Syria , Iraq and Libya h ave attract ed thousands of f oreign terror ist
f‌ighters, incl uding EU citizens, dual-national ity holders and other thi rd-country
nationals. Given the loss of ground that Islamist extremists suered in a number
of conf‌lict zones , the threat has evolved into a mor e decentralise d reality that
increases th e risk of terror ists’ moveme nts. The ris k that terroris ts attempt to
cross the ex ternal border illegally re mains.
Ecient border-and migration management must also include appropriate
mechanisms to retu rn Third Country nation als, who do not have a right to st ay.
Although f‌irst successful steps have been undertaken to enhance cooperation
between the n ational authorit ies (responsible for return -decisions) and the Agenc y
(oering pre-return assistance and return-support), further improvements on
the return-rat e (the return of Th ird Country nationals havin g received a return
decision) are needed.
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Implementing Integrated Border Management
atEuropean and National Level
Coordination and Implementation of the Technical and
Operational Strategy for European Integrated Border
Eective implementatio n of TO EIBM at European and national level carries th e
need for ecient coordination to enable the proper exchange of experiences,
best pract ices, arising needs and new deve lopments.
The complemen tarity between t he European and national lev el is to be ensured
via a dedicated fo rum within th e Agency. Acknowl edging that the s cope of
EIBM is wide, cutt ing across the remit of several p olicy areas as well as sever al
authoritie s, there is fur thermore t he need for overa rching steerin g, thus also
complementing already existing foraϸ϶. A best-practice exampl e in this context
are several MS/SAC , who have already insti tutionalised IBM th rough the functio n
of a national IBM coordinator.
In the spirit of shared responsibility of implementing EIBM, in full respect of the
concept of the EBCG and all owing for a struct ured way of coordination a nd review
of the planning, o perationalisation-pro cesses of the TO EIBM both at Europe an
and national lev el, a High Level Integrated Border Management Working
Group (HL IBM WG) shall be e stablished , hosted at the Europ ean Border and
Coast Guard Age ncy – Frontex.
The HL IBM WG shall be w ithout prejudi ce to the upcoming mult i-annual IBM
policy cyc le proposed und er the revised EBCG Re gulation as a com prehensive
governance and advisory mechanism for the ee ctive implementation of the EIBM.
The HL IBM WG shall consi st of a nominated represent ative from each MS/SAC,
who has a senio r role in coordinati ng national IBM, t he European Commission
and the European B order and Coas t Guard Agency – Fro ntex. It shall be co -
chaired by a senior m ember of the European Border an d Coast Guard Agency –
Frontex and a repr esentative from a MS/S AC. Partner agen cies and internation al
stakeholde rs shall be invited when ne eded. The HL IBM WG shall carr y out their
tasks unde r dedicated Terms of Reference to be en dorsed by the MB.
20 e.g. Frontex Risk Analysis Network, Vulnerability Assessment Network, all-in-one meetings and
the Pooled R esources Netw ork

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