Design of the survey

The LGBTIII survey was an onli ne opt-in survey. That is
to say, unlike surveys using proba bility rando m sam-
ples, respondents were self-selected, as they volun-
teered to participa te in the survey.
This design was ado pted because it would not have
been possible to achi eve arepresentative ra ndom sam-
ple of LGBTI people across t he EU in the absence of sam-
pling frames and reliable, detailed information about
the target popula tion in terms of its size, character istics
and composition in t he survey countries.
Using the traditio nal sampling te chniques would al so
have been challengi ng because of the low preval ence
of the target group in th e population. Fur thermore,
considering different data collection modes, research
has shown that conventional fa ce-to-face surveys suf-
fer from ahighe r level of social desirab ility bias than
web-based surveys, es pecially when ask ing sensitive
questions (4). Because of social stigma, some LGBT I
respondents may cho ose to conceal being LGBTI in con-
ventional face-to-face interviews. The social desirability
bias(5) is ex pected to be lower in web-based surveys,
which are perceived as anonymous and conf‌idential.
To avoid such bias, the LGBTIII survey was desig ned to
ensure conf‌identiality and anonymity.
Given the survey’s desig n, LGBTIII su rvey data are
based on anarrower pop ulation than the who le LGBTI
population of the 30 s urveyed countries. T he survey
population consists of people who:
(4) See Heerweg (2009).
(5) Social desirability bias is the phenomenon describing the
tendency of su rvey respondents to a nswer interview
questions i n away that is socially accep table and received
favourably o r at least not negatively by o thers. In this way,
respondent s tend not to respond hone stly but in away that
they can appea r more likeable to the inter viewer or avoid
negative reactions.
can be reached through t he online means use d, i.e.
those who have access to the interne t; and
became aware of the sur vey, e.g. by visiting aweb-
site/app promoting the sur vey; and
chose to complete the sur vey.
This raises anumb er of issues for consideration:
despite the fact tha t internet penetrati on has in-
creased across the EU (6), the remaini ng internet
non-users are not usual ly ara ndom subsampl e of
the general pop ulation, as elderl y, less educated
and low-income subgrou ps are more likely to be
internet non-users(7);
due to self-selection, t here is no control over the
selection process, a s it is not possible to determ ine
whether targeted respondents complete the sur-
vey because they may have differe nt levels of mo-
tivation and interest in participating;
the propensity to resp ond of the different LGBTI
groups (i.e. the probab ility of the LGBTI groups par-
ticipating in the su rvey) may vary across countri es
and sociodemographic strata because of cultural
and social norms.
To reduce apossible bias, su rvey disseminati on was
targeted as broadly as p ossible. A combination of
(6) A ccording to Eurostat 2018 d ata, the level of interne t access
to household s exceeded 80% in all count ries surveyed
except for Bulga ria (72%), Greece (76%), Lithuania (7 8%),
Portugal (7 9%), North Macedonia (79%) and Ser bia (73%),
where the percentage was slightly lower.
(7) Eurostat off‌i cial statistics, su rvey on ICT (information
communications and technology) usage in households and
by individuals.
Design of the survey

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