The questionnaire

3.1. The structure and
The EU LGBTIII survey quest ionnaire was based on the
questionnaire fo r the 2012 EU LGBT survey and was
developed by FRA , after consultation with key st ake-
holders, huma n rights institution s and European and
global exper ts in the area of scientif‌ic research i nto
sexual orientation, gender identity / expression and
sex characteris tics. The revisions to the 2012 ques tion-
naire included:
deletion of some of the p revious questions;
addition of new questions;
minor modific ation to and improvement of the text /
answer categories in some questions that already
The questionnaire is structured in 12 sections. Each sec-
tion consists of aset of q uestions related to aspeci f‌ic
A. introducti on and screening, 16 questions;
TR. questions s pecifically for trans res pondents,
IX. question s specifically for interse x respondents,
14 questions;
B. public perception of in crease or decrease in intol-
erance and violence, 5 qu estions;
C. discrimination, 17 questions;
D. safe environment, 4 que stions;
E. physical/sexual atta ck, 11 questions;
F. harassment, 12 questions;
G. social context, 2 q uestions;
H. respondent background, 24 questions;
I. knowledge about the survey, 4 questions;
J. individual story, 2 questions.
The full questionnaire is available online (ht tp s: //
fra.europa .eu/sites/default/files/f ra_uploa ds/fra-
2020-questionnaire-eu-lgbti-ii-survey_en.pdf). Al l sec-
tions were mandatory a part from the last one, offeri ng
users an open f‌ield to sh are additional exper iences as
LGBTI people (sectio n J). Furthermore, two section s (TR
and IX) were made availa ble online only for tra ns and
intersex subgroups, respectively.
Each respondent was ca tegorised into one of f‌ive cat-
egories (lesbi an, gay, bisexual, trans or intersex) base d
on the screening qu estions in section A.
The questions were ad apted to ref‌lect the respond-
ent’s category whe n this was necessary. This in pra c-
tice meant that, for examp le, abisexual respo ndent
would see questio n C1 in the following form: ‘During
the last 12 months, have you p ersonally felt discri mi-
nated against beca use of being bisexual in any of t he
following situations?’.
Adding up the questions in all mandatory sections
yielded 118 main questions with either asingle response
or multiple respo nses. Despite initial concern about it s
length, the average com pletion time for the onl ine
questionnai re was 18 minutes, given that most of t he
The questionnaire

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