Economically empowering the Roma population

AuthorDirectorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion (European Commission)
© European Union, 2020
A woman working in a f‌ield
Problem addressed
As many as 80% of Roma people surveyed by the EU
Fundamental Rights Agency (2016) live below their country’s
at-risk-of-poverty threshold. Around 33% do not have access
to tap water and every third Roma child lives in a household
where someone went to bed hungry at least once in the
month preceding the survey. Roma poverty is linked to low
employment rates, below-par educational attainment, labour
market discrimination and spatial segregation.
Innovative solution
Since 2003, the Land Source of Income Foundation has been
supporting Roma-led small and medium farming enterprises
in the rural regions of Bulgaria by helping families to buy
land. The foundation contributes 70% of the land price as
a loan. Benef‌iciary families have f‌ive years to repay the
loan. During this time, the foundation provides the family
with continuous assistance to reach f‌inancial autonomy.
Agronomy consultants, for example, visit the farm regularly
and advise owners on crop choice, equipment and products
to use to develop sustainable agricultural practices.
The foundation recognises the link between the material
dimensions of disadvantage and psycho-social ones, notably
trust. It has partnered with local schools and culture centres
to organise events such as dancing festivals and showcases
of the Roma culture to promote intercultural exchanges and
social cohesion.
Economically empowering the
Roma population
Land Source of Income

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