Harmonising and reinforcing the fight against fraud across the EU: crosscutting anti-fraud policies, measures and results in 2018

AuthorEuropean Anti-Fraud Office (European Commission)
th Annual Report on the Protection of the European Union’s financial interests — Fight against fraud 
. Harmonising and reinforcing
the fight against fraud across
the EU: crosscutting anti-fraud
policies, measures and results
in 
.. Legislative acts adopted by the EU institutions
... Regulation implementing enhanced cooperation on t he
establishment of EPPO : state of play
Following the a doption of the EP PO regulati on, in August 2018, t he Netherla nds and
Malta conf‌ir med their membership to t he EPPO, bringing the tot al number of particip ating
Member States t o 22. The EPP O will be competent t o investigate, prosecute a nd bring to
judgment crim inal of‌fences af‌fecti ng EU’s f‌inancial inter ests as def‌ined in t he PIF Directive.
The EPPO is ex pected to be o perational by th e end of 2020, following a s etting up pe-
riod of at least 3 year s provided for in th e EPPO Regulat ion. Esta blishing the EPP O is a
Commission prior ity and this process is well adva nced.
In 2018, the Commissio n appointed a n interim Administ rative Direct or, responsible for
the administr ative and budg etary matt ers. The proce dures for the rec ruitment of th e
European Chi ef Prosecutor a nd of the Europea n Prosecutor s were also laun ched. The
Commission invit ed Member States t o nominate their c andidates for the p osition of
European Pro secutor by the end of March 2019.
The part icipating Member States are b eing consulted througho ut the process through t he
group of exper ts that was set up in accord ance with the EPPO Regu lation.
... The Omnibus Regulat ion
Regulation (E U, Euratom) 2018/104 6, the ‘Omnibus r egulation’, was ado pted on 18 July
2018. The Omnibu s regulation a mends the exist ing Financial Re gulation whic h sets out
the overall fram ework for budget man agement, as w ell as a number of ac ts governing
the EU’s multia nnual programmes in va rious f‌ields, including c ohesion policy. The Omn ibus
regulation t herefore revises the EU ’s f‌inancial rules to simpl ify them and make them mo re
result-oriente d. It includes r evisions that simpli fy the use of f‌inan cial instrume nts under
the Europea n Structural and Invest ment Funds.
Article 61 of th e Financial Regulation re def‌ines conf‌lict of inter ests for all f‌inancial act ors
implementing the EU budget in the various management modes, including at national
level. This is likely to e ngender a large increase in t he use of “declarations of interes t” by
f‌inancial ac tors, an increase of tran sparency, and better publ ic conf‌idence.
.. Shaping the future: European institutions’ legislative and
policy initiatives
The next se ction gives an overview of major d evelopments in Commission po licy and leg-
islative initiat ives in 2018.

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