
AuthorFabien Roques - Helene Laroche
Com bined ret rosp ectiv e ev aluat ion and prosp ecti ve im pact asse ssmen t su ppor t st udy on Emission
Trad ing Syst em ( ETS) Stat e Aid Guidelin es
Abbr evi ation De fin iti on
Consortium ADE and Com pass Lexecon
CWE Cent ral and Weste rn Eu rope
EC European Com mission
EEAG Envir onm ental and Ener gy State Ai d
ETS Emissions Trading Schem e
EU Euro pean Union
GVA Gro ss Valu e Add ed
ICLI Indir ect Carb on Leakage In dicat or
IED I ndustrial Emission s Dir ecti ve
LCPD Larg e Com bust ion Plant Directiv e
LME Lond on Meta l Exchange
Phase I V Trading ph ase of ETS fr om 2021 to
PPA Powe r Pur chase Agreement
RAG Red Amber Green

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