Key findings

Illegal content online
June 2018
Flash Eurobarometer 469
The majority of respondents (65%) do not agree that the Internet is safe for its users.
!!A larg e majo rity of respondents (90%) agree arrangements need t o be in place to limit the
spread of illegal content on the Internet, and, similarly
!!A large majority of respondents (85%) agree freedom of expres sion needs to be pr otected
!!Less than half of the respondents (44%) agree Internet hosting services are effective in
tackling illegal content.
Most respondents undertake a wide rang e of activities online.
!!Among the seven categories of online activities considered, the more common among
respondents are watching videos, live streaming or listening to music (76%), online shopping
(72%) or using online social networks (70%), while the least common is using collaborative
economy platforms (32%).
!!The most likely activities to be undertaken on a daily basis are using social networks (44%),
watching videos, live-streaming or listening to music (31%).
!!A large majority of respondents (91 %) undertakes at least one of the online activities
The majority (61%) of respondents6 say they have encountered some type of illegal
content online.
!!Amongst respondents who use a t least one of the online activities considered, over six in te n
(61%) answered that they have encountered some type of illegal content while using these
!!In 17 countries scams, frauds, subscri ption tr aps or o ther ill egal co mmercial practices are the
most commonly form of illegal c ontent encountered, w hile in 9 count ries it is hate speech. In
one country pirated content is the type of illegal content most likel y to be encountered by
respondents, while in another country respondents are equally likely to mention hate speech
and pirated content.
Amongst respondents that have e ncountered illegal content while online, just over
one in five (21%) informed the Internet service hosting this content, while 9% directly
contacted the person or organisation who uploaded the content, and 8% alerted the police or
relevant authorities.
!In less than half (45%) of the cases, respondents who took action afte r seein g
illegal content, say the content was taken down.
!Amongst respondents who notified the hosting service provider about the illegal content
encountered, over six in te n (64%) say the y were satisfied with the respons e th ey
6 Amongst respondents who under take at least one of the online activitie s considered.

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