
Benefit s of gender equality th rough infrastruct ure provision: an EU-wid e survey 17
4. Sampling
4.1. S c o p e
Respondents from the EU-28 took part in this
study. The design was based on one sample of
5 378 respondents (residents over 18 years old).
The sample was designed to be representative
at EU level.
Daily and monthly updates are published on the
Eurostat website and the study data on Euro-
pean population were taken from Eurostat on
15 September 2014. Although these data rep-
resent a temporal estimation at the time of
extraction, this does not result in a methodo-
logical problem because dierences in times of
extraction are not signicant when designing
a thorough sample.
The expected nal sample was 5 378 respond-
ents but was increased to 5 385 to accommo-
date four additional respondents in Germany,
two in Portugal and one in Poland.
The universe comprised the total population,
rather than the 18-and-over ( 18) population,
as infrastructure and/or services are used by
the general population. However, ethical and
legal reasons required respondents to be over
18 years of age to participate in the sur vey. The
share of people aged 18 in the total popula-
tion was very similar across the EU-28, account-
ing for approximately 80 %.
4.2. Sample design
The sample in every Member State (MS) was
the general population of both sexes, aged 18
and above ( 18), and residing in the EU Mem-
ber States. In order to address the sur vey to the
selected populations, a stratied probabilistic
sample (populations/regions, sex and age) was
carried out, with a stratication of units from
the rst and second stages, selecting an inde-
pendent sample within ever y population (MS).
The units of the rst stage were populations/
regions, while those of the second stage were
sex and age variables.
In every region (organisational level above the
local entity of every MS, nomenclature of ter-
ritorial units for statistics (Eurostat) (NUTS) 2),
the units of the rst stage were stratied by
age and sex. The allocation among stages and
strata was strictly proportional. The strategic
variables of stratication for the sample were
determined as follows:
Stratum 1: Regions (NUTS 2) of the MS
under consideration.
There are more than 200 MS regions across
the EU. Given that the regional dimension is
not as important in all MS, a feasible alternative
could include the regional dimension in Member
States with a federal or highly (de jure and/or de
facto) decentralised state s tructure, e.g. Spain,
Belgium, United Kingdom, Germany and Austria.
Stratum 2: Sex and age.
The stratication of age distribution was 18-39,
40-6 4, and 65.
Although not stratication criteria, account was
taken of the following.
At least 25 % must live in rural areas. This
can vary depending on the rural population
weight within the total population in every
MS, with a maximum uctuation of 10 %.
At least 35 % must be employed workers
(self-employed and employees).
4.3. Data collection
Data were collected through a telephone-based
survey addressed to the general popula-
tion of the Member States. The information

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