The real estate market

AuthorHristova, Nataliya
Consum er mar ket stud y on the fun ctio ning of the r eal estate servi ces for consum ers in the EU Coun try Fiche Bulgaria
10. The real estat e mar ket
10.1 Tr ansaction cost s for sam ple transact ions
Ta ble 22: Tr ans act ion co sts VAT e xclu ded
Est ate
ag e nt 8
Te chn ical
serv ice s ( if
usu al) n ot
usua l
Lega l se rvice s
re gister fe e
Tr ansfe r
tax / st am p
du ty
Tota l usual t ransf er cost s
€1 00,0 00 sales price
(n o m ort gage)
2 000 EUR
46 5.25 EUR
10 0 EUR
2 000 EUR
4 565. 25 EUR
€1 00,0 00 sales price
+ 10 0.0 00€
mort gage
2 000 EUR
46 5.2 5+ 46 5.2 5EUR
465. 25+ 232. 63 EUR -b y
est ablishin g of law
mortgag e
10 0+ 100
2 000 EUR
5 130. 50 EUR
4 8797 .87 EUR
By estab lishi ng of law mort gage
€2 50,0 00 sales price
(no mor tgage)
5 000 EUR
77 1.25 EUR
25 0 EUR
5 000 EUR
11 02 1.25 EUR
€2 50,0 00 sales price
+ 25 0,0 00€
mort gage
5 000 EUR
77 1.2 5+ 77 1.2 5EUR
77 1.2+ 3 85.6 3 EUR b y
est ablishin g of law
mort gage
25 0+ 250
5 000 EUR
12 04 2.50 EUR
11 65 6.88 EUR
by esta blishing of law m ort gage
€5 00,0 00 sales price
(n o m ort gage)
10 00 0 EUR
1 026. 89 EUR
50 0 EUR
10 00 0 EUR
21 56. 89 EUR
€5 00,0 00 sales price
+ €5 00, 000
mort gage
10 00 0 EUR
1 026. 89 +1 026.8 9 EUR
1 026. 89+ 51 3.4 5 EUR -by
est ablishin g of law
mort gage
50 0+ 500
10 00 0 EUR
23 05 3.78 EUR
22 540 .53 EUR by establishing of
law mort gage
% VAT appl icable
20 %
20 %
The amoun t of est ate age nt cost s, as w ell th e am ount of t ransfer tax is calculat ed o n an averag e basis of 2 % ( See Table 2 1 Fee regu lat ion and Table 2 4
not es b elow) .
8 An agent usu ally rece ives a per cent age o f t he tra nsact ion valu e.

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