Could a victim of human trafficking also be in need of international protection?

Could a victim of
human tracking
also be in need
of international
If there are reasons to believe that a person may
be a victim of human tracking, he/she should be
referred to the responsible authorities and services
according to national legislation and practice for
relevant assistance and support. Make sure you are
aware of the national referral procedures for victims
of human tracking and have the relevant contact
details at hand.
However, in some cases, victims of human
tracking may also be in need of international
protection and shall be given access to the
asylum procedure. In any case, all victims of human
tracking should be properly informed of their right
to seek asylum.
Be aware that the tracker may still be around. It
is important that everyone has the opportunity to
speak with you on their own behalf, freely and in
private. Make sure that nobody intervenes and/or
answers questions on behalf of other person apar t
from when acting in his/her best interests. Particular
attention to possible indications of tracking should
be given in case of unaccompanied or separated
In the case of women and girls, the presence of a
female f‌irst-contact ocial should be ensured, if
possible. Women and girls should not be urged to
talk about incidents or crimes related to sexual

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