What is international protection?

What is international
People in need of international protection do not
have basic human rights and physical security
guaranteed in their home countries and they have
been forced to escape from the risk of persecution,
inhuman or degrading treatment or other serious
human rights violations. Therefore, the international
community needs to step in and fulf‌il its obligation
under international and EU law to grant international
protection to those who lack protection in their
home countries.
The EU asylum acquis provides for two forms of
international protection: refugee status and
subsidiary protection status. Based on the principle
of a uniform status for refugees or for persons eligible
for subsidiary protection, benef‌iciaries of subsidiary
protection status should be granted the same rights
and benef‌its as those enjoyed by refugees and should
be subject to the same conditions of eligibility. In
addition, your state may also provide for other forms
of protection, based on humanitarian grounds.
Access to safety and adequate asylum procedure
is an essential element to ensure that persons in
need of international protection enjoy the rights
to which they are entitled. As a f‌irst-contact
ocial, you play a crucial role in ensuring access to
protection for persons in need.

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