What is the difference between a migrant and a person in need of international protection?

4What is the dierence
between a migrant
and a person in need
of international
“Migrant” is a wide-ranging term that covers persons
who leave one country or region to settle in another.
Some migrants voluntarily decide to move for a
variety of reasons, most of them for reasons that
are not protection-related, for instance because of
family ties or due to economic hardship. Persons in
need of international protection, however, are
forced to f‌lee to save their lives or preserve their
freedom. They have no protection in their country of
origin; in fact it is often their own government that
is threatening to persecute them. If other countries
do not let them in, and do not oer protection, they
may be leaving them exposed to death, persecution
or other serious human rights violations.
Modern migratory patterns are often mixed.
Within mixed migration f‌lows, those who are
in need of protection and those whose reasons
are not protection-related travel alongside each
other, making use of the same routes and means
of transpor t. Such journeys may be long, hard and
dangerous, often organised in an irregular manner.
Identifying those who may wish to apply for
international protection under those circumstances
is a challenging but extremely important task.

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