
European Inst itute for Gender Equalit y
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The Gender Statistics Database (GSD) of the
European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE)
contains a wide range of statistics from across
the European Union and beyond. The database
brings together sex-disaggregated statistics
or statistics with a gender dimension that are
collected by EIGE and other institutions. T hese
statistics cover all areas of life. As such, the GSD
aims to provide a central access point for any-
one interested in data with a gender dimension.
One of the areas of focus in the GSD is gen-
der-based violence, i.e. violence directed against
a person because of their gender (1). While both
women and men can be victims, mos t victims
are women and girls. Gender-based violence is
rooted in gender inequality and is a violation of
the victim’s human rights.
The most widespread form of gender-based vio-
lence is intimate partner violence, i.e. violence
that occurs between former or current spouses
or partners. Comparable data on intimate par t-
ner violence are of paramount importance in
understanding and monitoring the nature and
scale of the issue, itself a barrier to achieving
gender equality. However, availability of compa-
rable data across the EU remains lacking.
In order to address the lack of availability of
comparable data, EIGE researched terminology
and indicators on rape, femicide and intimate
partner violence as part of a study published
in 2017 (2), and followed up with the develop-
ment of 13 indicators with uniform denitions of
the multiple forms of intimate partner violence,
femicide and rape in 2018 (3). These indicators
are intended for statistical purposes, to sup-
port Member States to collect data on violence
against women and meet international require-
ments. The denitions of these indicators are
in line with the data provision requirements of
the Victims’ Right s Directive (4) and the Istan-
bul Convention (5). The Victims’ Rights Directive
establishes minimum standards on the rights
of victims of crime and the protection and sup -
port they should receive. The Council of Europe
Convention on preventing and combating vio-
lence against women and domestic violence
(the Istanbul Convention) aims to prevent gen-
der-based and domestic violence, protect vic-
tims and prosecute oenders.
The indicators collect administrati ve data from
national police and justice sectors. These are the
most relevant sources of administrative data, as
they are collected by the national institutions
responsible for protecting victims, preventing
violence and prosecuting perpetrators. The indi-
cators reect the dierent stages of the law
enforcement process, from recording an inci-
dent (police) to penalising the oender (justice).
EIGE has collected data from national police
and justice sectors against these 13 indicators.
This document presents the methodology for
that data collection against the 13 indicators on
intimate partner violence, and provides infor-
mation on the coverage (jurisdictions, oences
and s tatistical units), denitions applied and
methods of collection in each case. It star ts with
general denitions and then present s detailed
information for each of the 13 indicators.
Data were collected for all 28 EU Member States,
covering 30 jurisdictions. As the UK devolved
administrations (England and Wales, Northern
Ireland, Scotland) are the lawful authorities in
the policy area of law and order, data for the

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