Executive Summary

AuthorDirectorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion (European Commission), European Centre of Expertise (ECE)
Flash Re por t 1 2/2018
Decem ber 20 18
Execut ive Sum mary
1 Nation al level develop me nts
In Decem ber 2 018 , important
dev elop m en t s in labou r law t ook place in
many Mem b er Stat es an d European
Econo mic Area (EEA) countr ies ( see Table
1) . Legislativ e in it iat ives and case law
focused specifically on t he follow in g
issu es:
Minim um w age
In Bulgaria, using the new Art icle 244.1
of the Labour Code, th e Council of
Minist ers hav e set the n at ion al m inim um
wage for 2 019 by Decr ee at BGN 560
(EUR 280 ) per month and BGN 3. 37
(EUR 1.4 5) per h ou r. I n Cr o atia , t he
Minim um Wage Act has been adop t ed
(Official Gazette No. 118 / 2 018). The
legislat or’s objectiv e is t o gradu ally
in creas e t he min im um w age rel ati ve to th e
average salary. I n Eston ia , t h e Estonian
Transpor t and Road Workers Tr ade Union
and th e Union of Estonian Aut omobile
Enterpr ises have published a dr aft
collect ive agr eement, t he aim of wh ich is
to increase the m ont hly mi nim um wage in
th e t ransport sector. This agreem ent
m ainl y c oncer ns lor ry dr ive rs. Acco rdi ng to
th e dr af t, t he m ont hly m inimum wage
starting fr om May 2019 will be EUR 95 0.
In 20 20, t he minim um month ly wage will
be in cr eased by EUR 50, and by EUR 100
per month in 202 1. I n Lu x em bou r g, on
th e b asis o f t he b iann ual gene ral revi ew of
th e social minim u m wagethe t r adition
being to adapt it to the general
dev elopment of salar iesit will increase
by 1.1 per cent aft er 01 Janu ary 20 19. I n
Port u g al, Decr ee Law No. 117/ 201 8, of
27 December, est ab lishes that from
01 Januar y 201 9, the nat ional minim um
month ly wage will be EUR 600. In
Rom ania , t h e m in imum wage will
increase from 01 January 2019 at t w o
lev els: a general m in imum wage and a
special m inimum wage f or certain
cat egor ies of employees. The g en er al
minim um gross w ag e will b e RON 2 080
(about EUR 450 ) . Th er e ar e two
exceptions: higher education graduates
with at least one y ear of seniority in the
field of t heir st udies will b e ent itled t o a
minim um gross w ag e of RON 2 3 50 per
month , and constr uction will be
RON 3 000. I n Slo venia, the Act on
Amendm ent s t o the Minim um Wage Act
was r atif ied on 1 3 December 2018. Some
changes/ addit ional pr ovisions have been
introdu ced: the int r od uction of a
calcu lation of t he amount of m inimum
wage based on a new f or m ula has been
postponed fr om 01 January 2019 to 01
January 202 0. The proposed st at u tor y
prov ision s have been com plemented by
pr ovision s on fines.
W ork ing t im e
In France, Act No. 2018-771 of 05
Sept em ber 2 018 pr ovi des th e po ssibi lit y o f
der ogat ing from t he m axim um w ork ing
ti me of 35 hou rs a wee k a nd 8 ho urs a d ay
for individuals under t he age of 18 years
for cer tain act ivities. Where th e
organisat io n of work warrants, it will be
possible, aft er notifying t h e Regional
Dir ectorat e for Com panies, Fair Trading ,
Consum er Affairs, Labour and
Emp loyment, to increase th e m ax imum
weekly w or king tim e by 5 hours and the
maxim u m daily working tim e by 2 h ou rs.
In H unga r y , t here have been im portan t
reform s on working t im e. On t he one
hand, the m aximum possible r ef er ence
per iod t o calculat e w or k in g t im e th at can
be determ in ed by collect ive agr eement
has been increased to 36 months ‘if
ju st ified by technical r easons or r easons
re late d t o w ork or gan isat ion’ . On th e ot her
han d, the m aximum am oun t of ov er tim e
hours has been extended substantially ,
all owin g t he em ploy er t o r equest a w ork er
to w ork 250 hours of overtim e per y ear,
and an agreem ent bet ween the em ployer
and em ployee can add up to an additi onal
15 0 h our s or ‘n on-im pose d’ over tim e wor k
per ye ar. I n I r eland , the Em plo yme nt Act
2018 has b een enact ed. Am on g t he most
im portant ch an ges are the prohibition of
zero-hours contracts in m ost
circumstances an d t he introdu ct ion of a
ban ded hou rs p rov ision so th at emp loyees
are ent itled to be placed on a ban d of
hour s that bet ter ref lect s th e re alit y of the
ho urs t hey w ork . I n Latvia, th e Par liam en t
adopt ed am endments to t h e Medical

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