
AuthorDirectorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion (European Commission), European Centre of Expertise (ECE)
Flash Re por t 1 2/2018
Decem ber 20 18
Malt a
Sum ma ry
A new pr ovisi on t o regu late a nnua l leave in Malta h as be en ap prov ed.
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1 Nation al Le gislat ion
1.1 An nual le ave
01 Januar y 201 9 saw the ent ry int o fo rce of Su bsidiar y Le gislation 45 2.1 15, th e Ann ual
Leav e Nat ional St andard Order. This National Standard Order ( h er einaft er: ‘Or der’)
regulates the m inim um requ irem ents for annual leav e of em ploy ees and the ex tent to
wh ich a nnua l leave ca n be co ntr olled /lim ited by em ployers.
The salient pr ovisi ons a re t he f ollow ing:
Leav e wit h pay sh all be t aken on days agreed on betw een the em plo yer and the
em ploy ee ( Regu lation 3 (2) );
The em ployer m ay on ly use up to the eq uivalent hour s of t welv e working day s
from t he employ ee’s annu al leave ent itlem ent (as calculated in terms of t he
Sub sidi ary Leg islat ion 4 52. 87 : Org ani sati on of Wor kin g Time Regu lat ion s) fo r t he
pu rpos es of any ty pe of sh ut down , i nclud ing a t emp ora ry closur e of t he en tir e or
par t of t he em ploy er s p rem ises for bridge holiday s an d/ or any other sh or t
per iods of sh utd own;
Any type of sh utdown , includin g a t em porar y closu re in f ull or in par t of t he
prem ises by th e em ployer for bridg e holiday s, shall be com m unicat ed to all
em ploy ees by the end of Janu ary of each calend ar year ;
Once leav e is agr eed o n be twe en t he e mpl oyer and th e em ploy ee, it can on ly b e
can celled by th e em ploy er if t he em ploy ee ag rees t o said ca ncellat ion. Deci sions
on cance llation s can not be un ilateral;
Ann ual leave shall also be accru ed dur ing m atern ity leav e, inj ury leave an d sick
leave, and sh all be carr ied o ver to the f ollow ing year if it was n ot possib le for
th e em ploy ee t o t ake annu al leav e in t he sam e ye ar as m aternity leave, inj ury
leave or sick leave;
Any per iod of p re-arrang ed leav e shall not be consider ed t o have been used if it
coin cides w it h a p er iod of m atern it y , sickness or inj ury leave and shall be
av ailab le t o t he em plo yee after h er r etu rn to w ork or shal l be carr ied over to th e
subsequent year, if such leave could not b e taken dur ing t he year m aternity,
injur y or sick ness leave com menced ;
Upon ‘term in at ion of em ploy m ent’, in case of an y out st an ding leave, even in
relat ion to th e pr evious calend ar year ( due to im possibility of taking leave due
to inj u ry leave, sickness leave or m aternity leav e) , the em p loyee m ust be
com pensat ed f or the ou t st an ding leave as st ipulated in th e Organisat ion of
Wor king Tim e Regulat ions;
Any violat ion of th e Order com es with a ‘m inim um penalt y of EUR 45 0 and the
em ploy er w ill b e order ed by t he court to gr an t any out standing ann ual leave or
(p ost- t er min at ion of the em ploy m ent re lat ionsh ip) co mpe nsat e t he em ploy ee f or
outstand ing leave.

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