Country Profile: Romania

AuthorNaldini, Andrea; Pompili, Marco; Peruccacci, Eleonora
24.1 Section 1 - Nat ional rules for t he evaluat ion of St ate aid schemes
24.1 .1 . Obligat ion or lack ther eof to evaluat e
The Rom ania n l egisl ati on does no t h ave spe cific re qui rem ent s f or th e e valu at ion of State
aid sch emes. The legisl ation227 r equire men ts in ter ms of e valu ation are lim ited t o a n ex -
ante ev aluation of th e pu blic po licie s issu ed b y t he centr al aut hor itie s, and t here are no
par ticular provisio ns for other ev aluat ions of pub lic p olicies or St ate aid.
The leg islation covers d ifferent aspects of t he St ate aid, starting w it h the Law no. 143
of 27t h July 1 99 9, u pdated and republished in the Official Gazette of Romania n o.
744/ 16th August 2005. This law sets t he rules for the authorisation, grant ing, control,
inventory, m on it or ing and reporting of St ate aid, to create and m aintain a healthy
com petitive en vironm ent .
Further updates of the State aid legislat ion were made regarding t he n at ional
pr ocedures, as sum marised below , and referr ed t o in th e next sect ions of th e report :
Gov ern me nt Deci sion no . 6 51/ 2 006 r egar di ng the ap pro val of th e S tat e a id poli cy
for th e perio d 2007 -201 3;
Government Emergency Ordinance no. 117/2006 regarding t he n at ional
pr ocedu res in the field of Sta te aid, app rov ed w ith m od ifica tions and com plet ions
by Law no. 137/ 2007;
Regulat ion of the Com petition Council on 20t h Jun e 2007 regarding the
monito ring p rocedur es of t he State aid;
Eme rgency Ord inan ce n o 7 7/ 201 4 re gard ing nat ion al p rocedur es i n t he Stat e aid
field and the amendm ent and com pletion of the Compet it ion law no. 2 1/ 1996,
with th e con sequent modification an d com plet ion;
Governm ental Decision no. 437/ 2015 regarding t he approv al procedu re and
content of the m emoran dum provided by t he art . 7 of the Em ergency Ord inance
no. 77/2014 r egardin g national procedu res in the St ate aid field;
Regulat ion of the CC on 21st June 2016 reg ardin g the State aid Registry (RegAS
dat abase);
Governm ental Decision no 326/ 2017 r egardin g the creation of th e Inter-
ministerial Com m it tee for the application of the State aid policy and t he
modification of t he Go vern men t Decision no. 750/ 2005 reg arding the cr eation of
the per man ent in ter -minist erial Committees;
Emergency Ordinance no. 6/ 2020 for amending and supplem enting t he
Government Emergency Ordinance no. 77/ 2014 regar ding t he national
procedur es in t he field of St ate aid, as well as for am ending and com plet ing the
Com petition Law no. 21/ 1996 and for the modificat ion and completion of art . 1 5
of t he Comp etit ion Law no. 21/1996.
227 Governm ent Decision (GD) no 775 /200 5 the Regulat ion regar ding t he procedu res for elaborat ion,
mo nit oring and eval uati on of th e pub lic p olicie s at cent ral l evel.

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