Country Profile: Slovenia

AuthorNaldini, Andrea; Pompili, Marco; Peruccacci, Eleonora
26.1. Sect ion 1 - National r ules for t he evaluation of St ate aid schem es
26.1 .1 . Obligat ion or lack ther eof to evaluat e
The Law on Monitoring State aid (Official Gazette of RS, n o. 37 / 04 ) was adopted in
Sloven ia on May 1st 2004, wit h the entr y of Slov enia t o the Eur opean Union.
The Law regulates th e notification procedur e, t he obligation t o report and record St ate
aid an d as sess t he com patibi lity of th e pr opos ed St at e aid schem es t hat do not need be
notified to t he European Commission.
I n t he fr amewor k of this La w, an obl igat ion exi sts to draft an ann ual repo rt on State aid
schemes implement ed and/or under im plem entation in t he country. However, a r eal
obligation under nat ional legi slat ion t o ev alu ate St ate aid do es no t exist, as th e report s
elabor ated are m ainly monitoring r epor ts.
Acco rdin g t o the av aila ble dat a, th e la st (19 th ) Repor t was pre par ed f or th e y ears 20 15,
20 16 an d 201 7, an d pu blis hed by t he Min ist r y o f Finan ce on Nov em ber 2 01 8. The Rep ort
is an analy tical overview of the State aid in Slovenia with very d etailed information on
the structure and size of State aid, regional and sectoral distribut ion as well as
assessment of th e effectiveness of State aid by all of sectors, wher e State aid is being
26.1 .2 . Proced ures t o enfor ce t he o bligation
The Law specifies t hat the body responsible for m onit oring State aid needs t o prepare
an annual repor t on State aid schem es, w hich includes not only the data, but also
assesses the effectiveness of t he St at e aid. The Report needs to be presented to the
gover nment by June of each year.
26.2. Sect ion 2 - National aut horit ies r esponsible for th e evaluat ion of State aid
26.2 .1 . Nation al organisat ion for Stat e aid
The responsible authorit y f or gat hering information and for carry ing out t he evaluat ion
of State aid schemes is the Depart m ent for monitoring St at e aid at t he Ministr y of
Finance. I ts tasks are specif ied in the Law on Monit oring St ate aid ( Article 3) :
examining, assessing and t ransmitting State aid not ificat ions to t he European
Com m ission,
addressing, asse ssing an d g ivin g a dvi ce f or Stat e aid m easu res, w hich con stit ut e t he
blo ck exem ption and for aid under the "de m inim is"
collect ing, processing and monitoring inform at ion on State aid and t he aid granted
under the "d e minim is" regulat ion and keepin g records of such info rmation,
delivering an annual r epor t,
adv ising m anager s of St ate aid.
Ann ual rep ort s ar e su bm itt ed to th e Gov ern me nt. Dat a o n St at e ai d hav e t o b e su ppli ed
to t he Depar tm ent by all relevant act ors w ho run Sta te aid schem es in acco rdan ce w ith
the Regul atio n o n t he tr ansm issio n o f d ata and re por tin g on St ate aid and aid und er the
"de min im is" regu lat ion (Official Ga zett e of RS, N os. 6 1/ 04 , 22 / 07 and 50 / 14 ). On this
basis, t he Depart men t p repares t he r epor t.

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